Articles of Incorporation/Bylaws

Article I Name: The name of the non-profit organization shall be “Ankit Foundation Corp.”

Article II- Place: The place where the principal office of the Ankit Foundation Corp. is to be located at 3339 Webster Street, West Lafayette, IN 47906 in Tippecanoe County, Indiana.

Article IIIStatement of Purpose / Nature: Ankit Foundation Corp. is a public benefit, non-profit organization under section 501 (c) (3) of the Internal Revenue code which is organized for charitable and educational work to spread awareness and provide support to bring positive changes to mental health care. To bring awareness to legal system for navigation of mental health treatment to individuals and appropriate support to family members to take care of their loved ones suffering from emotional and mental illness. 

Ankit Foundation Corp. will support, participate and coordinate with other organizations with similar charitable and educational goals in community.

Although main mission of Ankit Foundation Corp. is working for mental health, Ankit Foundation Corp. will also support and help in other humanitarian and public charitable areas.


Article IV- Board of Directors- Ankit Foundation corp. governing structure will consist of 3-9 board members

Article V- Avoidance of conflict of interest: Foundation officials are required to act with integrity and avoid any personal conflict of interest. All elected officials are required to disclose the conflict/potential conflict of interest in a professional manner.

Article VI - Ankit Foundation Corp. is not a member fee organization. There is no membership fees or dues for this organization.

Article VII- Funds: No part of the net earnings of the corporation shall be used to the benefit of or be distributable to its members and officers for personal use.

Article VIII - Dissolution: Upon dissolution its assets shall be donated to another or other Non-Profit Organization (s) or returned to the federal, state or local government for a public purpose. This shall be decided through a majority of the board members and officials.

Article IX- Amendments: Any amendments to all of the above articles, mission, governing body structure and nomination procedure can be done through majority vote of the board members.